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Here's looking at you!

I’ve had an exciting time in the last two weeks as I’m preparing an update to my website and a new brochure both of which need new photos.

To be at ease with the photographer while sitting and moving about is vital for a photo shoot. I had three changes of clothes, had been to the hairdresser early in the morning and had my make-up fixed. Just hoped the outcome would match how I felt

My marketing consultant came with me, who having the web pages in mind was a great help in frowning or beaming a smile to help my confidence levels, as I stood, jumped or lounged on the floor. I have to admit that the finished product is fantastic – the pictures look good!

Here's looking at you and there's more to come soon. Thanks go to ACS Photography and Hair Xclusive

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Muscles and Words

I’m into the third week of my course at City Lit College, Covent Garden with ‘Introduction to the Bowen Technique’. I have a class of keen students, who are extremely interested in Bowen and want to learn more.

It is certainly keeping me on my toes ensuring explanations are clear and easy to understand as so many of them speak English as a second language. It can be fun however when I seek to find a way through some of the wording that we take for granted. For example, I was describing that an area where a group of muscles overlap felt to me like a ‘ridge’. There were puzzled faces - what is a ridge?

Oh dear… I came up with another word association that might solve the problem and bravely carried on with the analogy of ‘sleeping policemen’ on the roads. It went something like this: ‘You know when you are on the bus or in a car and you go over these – help! Then there was this ‘ah ha’ moment, when one of the students who had previously been confused said: ‘Oh, you mean bumps in the road?’ Yes!

Cue laughter all around, but are they really understanding and absorbing the meaning or do I need to re-think the words I choose to describe muscles… I’ll let you know next time!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012