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Feel good formula

A busy practice in January? Almost unheard of – but yes, this is the case. I think many people just want to get back into their routine again, leaving the holidays behind. Aches and pains do get better, but if a condition re-occurs frequently, then it’s a good reason to get going with Bowen therapy or Reflexology, which I offer.

Bowtech Ease and Lectric Soda Crystals definitely complement these types of therapies as a home treatment either daily or on alternative days until better. Another product in the range which helps enhance wellbeing is Bowtech Balance Formula. This is made up of the 12 cell salts originally discovered by Dr W H Schuessler that are present in healthy cells. He considered ill-health was a deficiency in any one of these salts and therefore a course would support the biochemistry of the body.

We are offering the Formula as a competition giveaway in conjunction with online magazine Daisy Green. Check it out at and for more information click the tab here Bowtech Balance (above).

Tuesday, 31 January 2012