Fatigue and joint pain
Working with clients who have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue or any other condition where the physical body is tired and in pain? The Bowen technique could be the answer. It is so gentle, no pressure on the skin, no hard manipulation – just simply absorbing the therapy into the body, waiting five minutes or more between each set of moves and then waiting a week or more between sessions.
I always start with the lower body moves and may only carry out four moves on the first session. This may be repeated on the second session and on the third I may be able to do another further two moves. The client may or may not respond and it might take a course until small changes are apparent, such as better sleep or less ache in a certain joint.
In my own experience, I have found not treating the shoulder blades until after three months greatly increases the chance of improvement in these conditions. It may simply be this is the area of most tension or because there is so much need to use the arms in everyday life – they are like the powerhouse of the body and not surprisingly, in constant use. Hail to the Bowen technique…
Sunday, 9 January 2011